
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Success Mantra

Success Mantra

·      What does your career hold for you as it unfolds over the next 30 years ?
o   Huge opportunities for expanding your skills and knowledge
o   Experience of varied professional situations
o   Daunting challenges
o   Reward & recognition
o   Acountability & responsibility
o   Personal triumph and tragedy
·      How do you navigate this stormy sea successfully over the next 30 years?
o   First of all, build a “can do” attitude
o   Learn “possibility thinking”
o   Commit to personal learning every second
o   Reflect on every event and then assimilate the learning into your consciousness so that the next event gets the benefit of your learning from  previous events; this is called experience
o   At the same time don’t become a prisoner of the past; always look at the future not just as extension of the past but as an opportunity to create something new and valuable by traversing the tough path of personal change
o   Remember Peter Drucker’s famous words “ the best way to predict the future is to create it”
·      Here’s a success mantra for you : RILR where:
o   R stands for results; results are everything; efforts are only important insofar as they create results; mere effort means nothing
o   I stands for integrity, ethics, character and honesty; don’t deviate even a fraction from this because ruin is certain if you do; also, your reputation is your brand equity and that is entirely dependent on the big “I” of Integrity
o   L stands for learning; you know better than I do that in today’s world what is current today is obsolete tomorrow; therefore survival demands that you learn continuously; commit to reading, writing and thinking to help you deliver results consistently
o   R stands for relationships; they provide the foundation of your life, personal and professional; don’t just create superficial social media networks; instead, invest in deep and meaningful relationships that provide support, encouragement and feedback for you throughout your life; but remember, relationships need investment of your time, care and love; in other words, relationships are all about giving, not taking; when you give, you receive multiple times what you gave

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